Advanced Film Solutions continues to make it hard for smash and grab thieves to break in to your store or offices after hours.
Our shatter resistant security glazing films are the number one choice for retailers throughout the USA.
Clear and lightly tinted iterations delay, deter and deny entry.
Your alarm systems detect and hopefully law enforcement will respond before they gain entry.
Our installers are experts in superior installation and adding attachment systems that create a system between the glass/film and frames.
These coatings are exactly the same films used to protect American Embassies, Federal buildings and landmark high profile potential terrorist targets throughout the world.
Our films are also installed on educational facilities and schools throughout the region.
We are unique by offering more choices than any other Florida window film company.
Glazing attachment systems include Dow wet seal and Bondkap Systems.
Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate or sub-contract your project to Advanced Film Solutions throughout the USA.
Toll Free: 877-575-3456