Cheap Window Tinting: Tampa Bay Consumers Beware

It’s interesting when you view the dynamics of the window tinting business from a consumer perspective.


There are Flea Market window tint shops (and moonlighters that work from a truck) who carry low quality, low cost tints that have a questionable pedigree (to say the least!)

Obviously, these cheap films are available to Advanced Film Solutions!

VISTA and Huper Optik for homes and commercial clients and FormulaOne for our automotive clients! 

dog days
Hey. . have I got a deal for you!

The low ball tinters typically show specification sheets that give the illusion that their films are equal to the NFRC Certified VISTA or Huper Optik Films.

The low cost films are made with lower quality polyesters and adhesives.  The scratch coating is inferior and the useful life of the product is very limited.

Always remember Caveat Emptor!

Advanced Film Solutions

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