Category Archives: window film Tampa

Deed Restricted Window Film Solutions For Florida Gated Communities

Many of our best clients live in deed restricted, gated communities.

These exclusive neighborhood have rules designed to maintain the resale value and lifestyle of the community.

Deed restrictions may apply to the type of window film you might select.

Typically reflective mirror-like films are prohibited.


Fortunately Advanced Film Solutions, Florida’s leading window film installation company has the perfect solutions when your HOA strictly enforces these covenants.

Advanced Film Solutions has a complete portfolio of non reflective ceramic coatings designed for maximum heat restriction without altering the external reflective appearance of your windows.

Huper Optik Ceramic Film:

These coatings filter out heat through a unique patented combination of visible light and infrared reduction.

This combination NFRC certified allows Huper Optik to meet deed restrictions and qualify for rebates from our local power companies.

The gold standard of window film these all season Low E films are virtually undetectable on glass. The unique composition of these coatings provides heat rejection in the summer and insulation for the winter months.

Advanced Film Solutions has earned the super service award from Angie’s List for 8 straight years.

Our installers have more experience and training resulting in an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Fully insured Advanced Film Solutions is the perfect choice for Gated Communities, condominiums and homes or businesses that want tremendous heat rejection without ruing the aesthetic beauty of their windows.

Call toll free: 877-575-3456

Tampa Big Game, Window Tinting Stops Glare & Heat

It’s Big Game Time Again in the NFL


There’s a better way to solve glare problems for your viewing pleasure.

Advanced Film Solutions can block that glare by as much as 90% thanks to our unmatched selection of solar control films.

Our window film coatings are applied to your windows and sliders. These films stop UV and you decide just how much light and heat you want eliminated.

Our solutions have incredible clarity and durability and your wood or laminated floors, carpets and accessories will endure.

Lifetime warranty.
These films lower utility costs and insulate your windows summer and winter.



Never turn colors or have bubbles! Choose Advanced Film Solutions today!


Call Advanced Film Solutions

Protect, Home Furnishings From UV, Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota Window Film


Take a close look at your furnishings under the bright light that streams through your windows every single day.

The unrelenting UV, heat and bright light damage your most valuable furnishings, rugs, wood floors, drapes and leather.

The cost to repair is prohibitive which is why most homeowners simply buy replacements.

There is a better way.

UV window film provides a barrier between a building’s occupants/interior furnishings and harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet A rays (UVA) in particular are responsible for causing extensive damage – including initiating skin cancer development and causing fading of furniture and flooring.

While ordinary glass offers little to no protection from the sun, UV window films do, and at a fraction of the cost of other UV-blocking alternatives.

The Vista™ brand of UV window film provides the highest level of UVA and UVB rejection by blocking up to 99.9% of harmful UV rays.


Vista UV window film’s protective shield helps defend against the dangers of UV induced skin diseases and photosensitivity. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are also the leading cause of fading in interiors such as furniture, floorings, wall coverings, artwork and photographs. Retail stores are especially prone to damage from UVA rays as merchandise in windows is more susceptible to damage and fading.

Advanced Film Solutions installs UV, heat blocking thin films that preserve your furnishings.

These are the same films that effectively reduce your monthly electric bills by nearly 30% a month.

Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate by calling toll free 877-575-3456



Tampa Bay Window Tinting Comparisons, 2022

Advanced Film Solutions is the leading installation company for residential and commercial window film in the Tampa and Orlando area.

We have skilled installation crews with decades of experience and training in all facets of film installation.

Our team has earned the prestigious Super Service Award for 8 years from Angie’s List.


The key differences that distinguish Advanced Film Solutions from competition is the depth of knowledge we possess and the diversity of our window film portfolio.

No other company can match this advantage.


Our 4 decades of knowledge and hands on experience becomes your advantage resulting in delighted clients.

No baloney!

There are significant differences between the window films available in the industry.

  • Darker reflective and non reflective films designed for flat glass. 
  • Dual reflective films specifically designed for homes and commercial interests where day and night visibility is imperative.

  • Non reflective residential and commercial ceramic films and spectrally selective films that meet all deed restrictions; block varying degrees of IR (invisible heat) and visible light.
  • Security glazing impact window film designed to delay, deter and deny entry while adding significant protection against  intrusion, and vandalism.

  • Car tinting films designed for compound curved glass in varying methods of composition and design.

In every industry and any vocation there are a select few experts who are completely current on technology and the industry.

Advanced Film Solutions has these experts.

Get a free estimate by calling us toll free at 877-575-3456

Advanced Film Solutions


Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota Cooler Home Window Tinting Case Studies

Advanced Film Solutions is Tampa Bay, Bradenton, Clearwater, Sarasota and Orlando’s Window Tinting Experts!


We are confident that our unmatched portfolio of window film solutions out-performs any competitive offer.

That’s our advantage over all comers!

Vista Films , LLumar SelectPro and our outstanding Huper Optik ceramic films that are ideal for gated communities and deed restricted homes.

Our solar security shatter films are the strongest in the industry:

LLumar 8 ML mylar films, Armorcoat Film (like the US Capitol Building) and dual reflective Vista Film delay, deny and deter burglary while providing peace of mind during wind storms.

 Let’s take a look at today’s installations:

Case 1: Our clients windows face due west. The glare is oppressive and their summer electric bill is unbelievable at $380 a month.

We are installing Vista Celeste 18 our dual reflective glare killer.

They qualify for Orlando Utility rebates

Our client lives in Clearwater and their sliders and window openings have an easy access to the street.   There have been several home break-ins recently and they wanted privacy as well as home security.  We are installing LLumar Magnum 20 on all of their windows and sliders.

This application will reinforce their glass, reduce the glare and provide privacy all at the same time.

Case 3:  This commercial client has an upscale salon in Tampa.  They face East and get hit with glare and heat all morning.

They considered blinds but this would block the interior view making the salon far less inviting.

The solution?

Huper Optik ceramic 30 .


This non reflective film will block nearly 70% of the heat and glare.  Commercial rebates may apply and their clients will enjoy the comfort that Huper Optik delivers !


Toll Free: 877-575-3456