Category Archives: window film Tampa

Chill Out Tampa Area Homes Get Advanced Film Solutions Window Tinting

It’s 5:00 PM in Tampa, Florida.

Windows facing west and every afternoon the room temperatures get hotter than 100 degrees.

Their electric bill? 

Forget about it!!

lare is unbelievable and the fading of their leather sofa and carpets are a huge problem!

The Solution:


Vista and Huper Optik Window Films.

  • Now their home is cooler since nearly 70% of the heat has been stopped from entering their windows.
  • They will start saving on their power bills immediately.

  • The glare has been reduced by 70%
  • They have a lifetime transferable warranty!

They met their deed restrictions because our ceramic window films are non metallic and won’t alter the aesthetics of their windows.

The coolest homes in Florida choose Advanced Film Solutions!




Tampa Bay, Orlando, Sarasota, Selecting Your Best Window Tinting Installation

Today’s consumer faces enormous challenges given the conflicting alternatives available in Florida’s window film marketplace.

Here’s some insider advice for you to consider for selecting the dealer and the brand that meets your requirements.


   Unless you are extremely handy or have window film installation experience; doing the installation yourself is problematic at best.

The films sold in big box houses like Home Depot and Lowes tend to be lesser quality than the professional grade films used by window film installation professionals.

After all your home is your largest investment.

Your windows are essential to maintain ambiance and home value. 

No one wants dyed purple films or bubbles that will block your view or devalue that investment.

Professional window film dealers should be insured and members of their local Better Business Bureau.

Having an A Plus Rating for 14 straight years is a plus!

Certainly a window film business should have a business license and be able to furnish the proper credentials to enter your home.

These stipulations are important when choosing your installation professional if only to differentiate the moonlighter from the pro. 

What is important is your lifetime warranty from the dealer as well as the written guarantee from the film manufacturer.


We represent the leading window film brands in the industry.

These suppliers represent more that 90% of the residential and commercial window film sold in the USA. 

Most of these manufacturers have had their films independently tested by labs as part of the NFRC.


Most window film manufacturers offer a lifetime residential warranty. Several offer extended transferable warranty typically for their premium film lines.

Commercial warranties vary depending upon the film selected but generally this warranty is for 10-15 years.


Speaking on behalf of window film dealers across the USA we are typically family owned businesses with deep roots in your local community.

We have a passion for excellence and we take pride in our business and body of work.

Personally I strongly believe in identifying the brand of film and the manufacturer.

The brand lets you know what you are investing in and the specific performance characteristics of that film. Comparing apples to apples like the NFRC ratings takes the mystery out of the buying process.

There are vast differences between these films.

Some are tremendous energy savers using highly reflective films using stable alloys.  Several films are far less reflective from an interior perspective so your night views are protected.

There are certainly consumers who prefer non-reflective films and this is when we would propose nano-ceramic films like VISTA and Huper Optik.

“Caveat Emptor- Buyer Beware!”

We founded our company on meeting and exceeding expectations and in earning word of mouth referrals.

Call Advanced Film Solutions 

Toll free at 877-575-3456

Solving Tampa, St. Petersburg Glass Problems, Advanced Film Solutions Window Tinting

At the core of what we do at Advanced Film Solutions is our expertise for solving glass problems.

We improve the energy efficiency performance and the appearance and safety of your glass.

  • We fix purple dyed window films that were installed by our competitors.

  • We remove glare and eliminate harmful UV issues without affecting or changing the beauty clarity or hue of the light entering your home.
  • Our reputation is critical we never exaggerate or mislead.
  • Our measurements are precise.
  • The performance characteristics of our films are certified by the NFRC and our solutions are measured by independent lab testing.
  • Advanced Film Solutions  Huper Optik has no metals and superior IR rejection. These films won’t add reflectivity to the exterior or interior views nor will they interfere with EM signals.

  • Low E Film lowers energy costs throughout the entire year with unmatched heat rejection and winter insulation.East
  • Your electric bill will be lowered by up to 30% a month. Real savings every single month because we eliminate nearly 80% of the heat.
  • We earned the Super Service Award from Angie’s List for 8 straight years!

Let us solve your glass problems and compare Advanced Film Solutions


Tampa, Orlando Heat Control Advanced Film Solutions Window Tinting

Advanced Film Solutions installation crews were busy this week performing solar film installations throughout the Tampa Bay and Orlando region.

Our clients had a variety of problems that called for our portfolio of energy savings solutions.


We removed defective film from a large well known chain store. Their old film had turned purple and the glare was hurting their business and customer comfort.


We removed the old film and replaced it with our Vista solar Films. Now they are glare free

Commercial Buildings:

We removed old defective films on two buildings in the Largo Florida area. These films had also turned purple and the appearance of the buildings was unacceptable. 

We removed this older tint and installed solar bronze films.  Now they have a streamlined glass appearance and they qualified for Progress Energy rebates.


Homes: We completed seven home window film installations in a variety of aethetic choices. Huper Optik for a well appointed ranch home in New Port Richey as well as a stunning home in Tampa Palms.

Our Vista Films were installed in homes in Land O’ Lakes and Spring Hill.

The key reasons for installation?
  • Glare is an all year problem.

  • UV fading is also an all year problem. These films remove 99.9% of the UV rays that hasten fade.

  • Energy Cost Savings: Our films lower utility costs by as much as 30% a month. 

  • Improved security

  • Improved privacy.

  • Improved property appearance and curb appeal.

Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate.

Toll Free: 877-575-3456


Tampa, Orlando’s Coolest Window Tinting, Advanced Film Solutions


Survival of the coolest is critical in Tampa and Orlando as afternoon temps soar while the humidity stops you in your tracks.

Thank God for air conditioning; but sometimes rooms in your home never get comfortable and that electric bill is bigger than your first mortgage.


The innovative folks at Eastman Chemical have created the most advanced suite of solar control window film coatings in the industry.


Optically clear transparent coatings that we apply to the interior side of your existing windows.

We transform the energy efficiency of your glass by eliminating the UV and reducing heat gain.

Our selections are all NFRC certified so you can rest assured that these applications will produce the results you expect.

You won’t find our consultants using heat lamp gimmicks like some outdated competition.

Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate today!

Toll free: 877-575-3456 

Offices Tampa Bay-Orlando-Sarasota
