You recognize that investing in a window film retrofit solution is a practical, yet elegant way to reduce home energy costs, improve privacy and protect your home or business from damaging UV rays.
You may also recognize that for a modest cost, many of these same energy conserving films are also available in thicker versions that protect your home or business from burglary, high winds and debris or an errant golf ball!
There are many choices that are available that can solve your problems and improve the performance of your glass. The question arises:

As a full service window film installation company we have analyzed the window film marketplace and developed the widest and deepest portfolio of high value residential and commercial films in the country.
We separate fact from fantasy by recommending NFRC certified window films.
Our VISTA, LLumar and Huper Optik films have been independently and objectively measured for real world performance on numerous window configurations.
Aesthetics are a critical deciding factor. We install films that range from darker reflective and dual reflective films to non-reflective ceramic IR factoring films (like the aforementioned Huper Optik )
There are differences in film costs based upon the materials selected.
Cost is typically based on the scope of the installation or simply put; how many square feet of film would be required and how difficult (french panes- high ladder work) would it be to complete the installation.
If you have received proposals from competitive film companies we would urge you to contact us at 877-575-3456