One of the more popular threads in this window film blog are posts that highlight a comparison between 21st century patented ceramic window tinting represented by Huper Optik and the 3M prestige multi-layered optical film.

I have a unique perspective having been employed at 3M for 33 years (1974-2007) with the 3M Window Film department for several years as National Sales Manager (in those days known as Scotch Tint and Scotch shield!)
Homeowners and retail store owners want to reduce the heat coming into their windows but of equal importance, preserve the aesthetics of their windows.
They want to experience the benefits of window film without a metallic shiny glass appearance!
The choices drill down to Huper Optik versus the 3M multi-layered prestige series.
Here is a quick comparison that you may find helpful!
Points that are equal:
- Huper Optik Ceramic and prestige films all reduce the UV by 99.9%- A draw!
- All films including Huper Optik Ceramic and prestige films work better at an angle- That’s also a draw and silly even to mention, except for the fact that they brought this up as an advantage! It isn’t!
- Yes we use Windex!
- Huper Optik reduces as much of the entire infrared as their prestige film. There is no advantage in that respect despite their misleading jargon about 97% IR rejection. What is most critical is the amount of heat the film rejects.
- Huper Optik will never rust or corrode, neither will their prestige. Another draw! They bring this issue up because there are silver films that can oxidize in humid environments.This is typically never clarified by 3M, so consumers may be mislead into believing that all films corrode except theirs. This is false!
- Our Huper Optik and are available in a 20% and 30% version. The Select series is available in a 35%. We cut more glare and heat than their Prestige 40%
- The optical quality and clarity of Huper Optik and are unmatched by prestige film which tends to haze.
- Our hue is neutral theirs is “blue.” You may like a blue look in your home but Interior Designers typically advise not to alter the hue of the light streaming through your windows. It can clash with your unique color scheme.
- Huper Optik has a superior hard coat. Huper Optik does not have any dyes!
Throughout the country we have won against prestige films for the above reasons and the better cost advantages for our Huper Optik ceramic films.
Call Advanced Film Solutions