Window film by Advanced Film Solutions is the simply the most effective bottom line cost savings improvement you can implement for your energy savings plan.
These benefits go well beyond the immediate and practical cost savings you will earn by reducing your monthly electric bill by as much as 30%.
Durable and with a lifetime warranty against fading, bubbles, and distortion our solar energy reducing films block UV and glare.
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Our films maintain comfort throughout the entire year as demonstrated by revolutionary Low E Window Films.
Consumers are cautious about ecologically friendly solutions since they tend to imply a higher price tag.
They are economically priced and your savings on your monthly electric bill.
Our Huper Optik and VISTA and LLumar Window Films have zero downside.
The old days of dark window films or metal shiny windows is a relic of the past with our nanotechnology ceramic window films.
Advanced Film Solutions offers unique daylighting Huper Optik window films that cut the heat without sacrificing the light.
Since these new technology films have no metals they meet every Deed Restriction and NEVER interfere with your wireless or FIOS connections.
Imagine this afternoon gazing out your windows that face south or west and not being bombarded with the GLARE HEAT and UV??
- Your view protected-your home cooler without being dark.
- You save money immediately.
Call Advanced Film Solutions, Florida’s infrared blocking and window films.