Tag Archives: Huper Optik Ceramic Film Vs 3M Prestige

Prestige Tampa Bay Homes Choose Ceramic Huper Optik Window Film


The best choice for deed restricted communities and condo association rules is Huper Optik Ceramic window film and Advanced Film Solutions.

There could only be one clear winner: Huper Optik

Huper Optik never had to pretend that their films worked better at an angle (all films do; just like glass at an angle) or distract consumers with claims about having 97% infrared rejection.

Rather Huper Optik continued to win .
3M on left panel-Huper Optik on the balance.

We have installed Huper Optik film on thousands of homes and buildings across the USA

If you are looking to reduce the heat without altering the aesthetic of your home or building Huper Optik has the best solution.

  • Non reflective interior or exterior views.
  • Meets all deed restrictions and HOA rules
  • NFRC Certified

You won’t find us doing gimmick heat lamp tricks. 

You’ll just find the very best performing solar window films in the world!

Advanced Film Solutions

Toll Free 877-575-3456


Through Glass Lightly Tampa, Orlando Huper Optik Ceramic Window Film

Consistently more homeowners and commercial property managers are insisting upon lighter non reflective window films versus the darker reflective metallic films of the past.

The key for any window film researcher is to determine the proper balance between  your aesthetic requirements and the bottom line heat rejection you expect!

We believe that it’s critically important to offer consumers concise comparisons between the various window film manufacturers and in particular a direct matrix comparison to the 3M window films like their prestige film and their re-boxed ceramic film. 

This matrix compares optical clarity, total solar energy rejected on the exact same type of glass (NFRC).  We compare glare rejection (our 30% Huper Optik Ceramic for example reduces glare by a significant amount compared to the 3M prestige 40 (their darkest film in the prestige series.)

It’s this winning comparison that gives Advanced Film Solutions and Window Film USA our competitive advantage.

The unequivocal leader in this category?  Huper Optik-The German Nano-ceramic Film.


 Huper Optik Ceramic film is patented (which is a major advantage for any installation company that represents this incredible window film since all the other copy cats are forced to use a single layer and an older limited width machine.)

These lesser performance “ceramic films now offered by Johnson Window Film, Madico Advanced Ceramics, Geoshield and most recent the 3M Ceramic Film are all re-boxed some with very familiar logos on their box!

How does Huper Optik surpass these films in aesthetics and performance?

  • Their patented process allows them to use a multi layered structure.  This improves total solar energy rejection with far less exterior reflectivity than these also-ran films.
  • Less exterior reflectivity is what Home Owner Associations require in their deed restrictions!
  • All the Huper Series Films are less reflective than glass from the exterior and the interior perspective!
  • The Huper Optik Films are non corroding and are all available in 72 inch widths. This means we never seam a window for larger width glass.

  • We love the comparison because when consumers take the time to do their research we win.
  • When consumers ask for a side-by-side mock-up, we win!
  • When consumers check the NFRC for documented performance; we win!
  • We won’t waste your time with nonsense like angles of incidence or offer total crap like their film blocks 97% of the IR or worse yet, the heat?

We won’t use tricks and gimmicks like heat lamp BTU tests that imply their lighter films block more heat than a darker silver film . Any one that does this should be ashamed of themselves!

We prefer reality over illusion.
How about you?

Our winning strategy is founded upon the firm belief that consumers are much too smart and money is much too tight, to be mislead or bamboozled; no matter how familiar they might be with any particular brand of film.

Advanced Film Solutions (Florida)

Toll Free 877-575-3456

Frequently Asked Window Film Questions Tampa Bay, Orlando, Sarasota

Are window films installed on the inside or outside of the windows?

We typically install on the interior side of the glass. This increases the life expectancy of these films supported by our lifetime warranty.

Consumers are concerned about window film having a perceived tendency to break windows.


Advanced Film Solutions represents the finest window film technology manufactured by Eastman Chemical.

Our expert technicians and sales consultants have decades of experience and we absolutely know our way around a window.bbb

There are films that are specifically built for cars that absorb heat rather than reflect the heat away.  These films can create thermal stress.

Unfortunately some car tinting bozo’s will apply this incorrect film on a home or commercial application.

  1. Our films are warranted against glass breakage and we provide a written automatic glass breakage warranty. Optional glass breakage warranties are available that match your existing window warranty for extended periods beyond 5 years.

  2. Our Vista Films are designed for maximum efficiency on IG units. Our Huper Optik non reflective films are also warranted against glass breakage!

Advanced Film Solutions represents Eastman Chemical LLumar, Vista shatter control films. These meet GSA and DOD specifications.

How does our film compare to 3M Window Film?

The 3M dealer told us that their prestige film blocks 97% of the heat, works better at angles and keeps the home warm in the winter as well as keeping homes cooler in the summer.

Well. .

The key criteria for window film specifications and performance characteristics is the total solar energy rejected or shading coefficient.

These attributes are tested by objective independent laboratories and documented and certified by the NFRC.

Advanced Film Solutions installs NFRC rated films that can be confirmed by this agency for their capabilities.

All window films and glass seem to reject heat better when the heat object (SUN!) is at an angle to the glass.

The maximum sun angle is 90 degrees (this is the standard measurement for maximum accuracy) Any representation that an angular measurement improves the heat rejection capabilities of the film is simply ridiculous and disingenuous.

Get a free estimate and compare!

Advanced Film Solutions

Offices Tampa Bay and Orlando

Toll Free 877-575-3456

Huper Optik Preferred Window Film Choice For Prestige Tampa Homes

Call it the battle at the kitchen window.

In home after home Advanced Film Solutions competes head-to-head against 3M Prestige Film either marketed through Home Depot or via dozens of their agents.

Advanced Film Solutions prefers to deal in facts, documented performance and industry accepted terms.

Some background:

We spent 33 years at 3M and at one point I was the National Sales Manager of 3M Window Films.  We understand how the 3M prestige films work arguably better than local 3M resellers.

Why homeowners are considering these films?

If you live in a deed restricted neighborhood or simply dislike the way a reflective film alters the appearance of your home; you’ll be a prime candidate for Huper Optik Film (or prestige)

Why Huper Optik wins:


  • There are no dyes in our Huper Optik Film. There are dyes in the 3M prestige films.  Dyes fade or degrade over time. The light transmission is therefore less stable.
  • Huper Optik Film has a much durable scratch coating. The 3M prestige film scratches easily and the color can be removed from the film.

  • The optical clarity of the Huper Optik film is superior. This may seem subjective but a direct side-by-side  comparison clearly demonstrates the superior clarity of Huper Optik compared to prestige. It’s not even close!

  • Solar absorption: I only mention this topic because a recent client indicated that the 3M rep claimed Huper Optik would break the windows; or at the very least would make the room hotter than prestige. 

    This may sound valid but as usual it’s utter nonsense. Both films have solar absorption that should be taken into consideration particularly on insulated glass units. Ceramic films dissipate the heat across the glass surface which is why we can offer darker ceramic choices for your home.


  • Heat rejection on angle: There is no advantage to prestige or any validity in their claims that prestige works better at angles.  All films work better at angles as does glass itself!

  • Prestige blocks 97% of the IR or better yet 97% of the heat. 
    More BS. Both Huper Optik and 3M block plus 90% of the entire IR spectrum. The 97% number is misleading because it refers to a very narrow IR bandwidth.
  • There are numerous white papers written on this subject.Tech Update-NA
    IWFA – IR Ratings of Window Film
  • Pricing:
    Certainly pricing varies based upon the scope of work and the margins competing companies request. Our contention is that Huper Optik is the superior value based on the clarity, performance and durability of our film.

Clear Winner Huper Optik Window Film Tampa, Sarasota, Orlando

 Huper Optik  has altered the window film landscape with their 70% VLT ceramic film to augment their complete line of superior ceramic coatings.

Huper Optik is the best heat rejecting non reflective, non dyed film in the industry.

German technology, superior optical clarity and a powerful scratch resistant coating that make our patented ceramic films the film every other manufacturer wants; if only they could be as innovative!


Eastman Chemical’s wide portfolio of dynamic solar solutions has just filled a missing category in their line-up of energy reducing films.

  • Huper Optik 70 is perfect for deed restricted, gated communities where reflective films are prohibited.
  • Hüper Optik® Clear Ceramic series offer excellent optical clarity and visibility.

This virtually undetectable film lets you block UV and heat without darkening your glass.

niceUtilizing nano-deposition technology to achieve a high performance solar control film with high Visible Light Transmission.

It also means the films are able to reject more Infra-red heat than most solar control films that are of similar visible light transmission in the market.

And compared to our 3M prestige 70 competition; Huper Optik has absolutely no dyes or a blue shift that can alter the ambiance and he of the light in your home.  Colors remain vibrant and unchanged!

Huper Optik 70 has raised the bar with this non interference with EM, RF signals and it is non corrosive for coastal climates like Florida!

It’s frankly the best film that you’ll never see!


Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate and find out how German Technology can work for you!

Dare to compare our clarity and performance against 3M Prestige-Home Depot quotes!

16779293482_c8f04b1f5a_oSide-by-side – window to window- -if your eyes are working you’ll select Huper Optik Ceramic Films


Toll Free: 877-575-3456
Advanced Film Solutions