Tag Archives: Orlando Glass Tinting

Smartest Dogs Select Advanced Film Solutions Window Tinting

oiuStudying is a way of life for this educated pooch!
That’s right; it’s official and we checked again in the very latest Paw Poll!

31898_541049405928535_325962674_nTampa’s smartest dogs have chosen Advanced Film Solutions for their family home and SUV!


And after taking several objective aptitude tests we found the very smartest dog in the area.

He wants a cooler home; just like you and is willing to chip in!
Here’s Pippy Smartstocking. .

He’s a Border Collie and as you know they are the smartest dogs having aced the SAT’s and graduated with honors.

They require a purpose in life or they won’t be happy!

His purpose is telling people about Advanced Film Solutions and we truly appreciate his support and encouragement!

It inspires us!

The Pipster (that’s his name dog gonnit!) lives in Tampa with his family. 307302_538780916155384_1404136624_n

They often leave him home during the day simply because he chooses not to go shopping (too boring and he’s trying to save up his money!)

He’ll spend hours watching TV (The Learning and History Channel)

He gave up a promising career in medicine to devote his time to window film solutions and keeping energy costs down.


He’s had had it with all the glare and excessive heat in his home.  

When he saw our ad in his local coupon book he couldn’t wait to sign up for our VISTA Film for his home and that FormulaOne Car Tinting.

No wonder he’s as smart as he is!

He called us toll free at 877-575-3456

Advanced Film Solutions

Tampa’s Smartest Dogs Number One Choice! 

 dog days

Choosing any other brand would be barking up the wrong tree!



Tampa Window Film Greener Safer Homes

Today’s homeowner is concerned with owning a home that is energy efficient.

We all want to do our part and while there are many actions we can take for a greener home is may surprise you that window film is the fastest return on investment for any retrofit project.

This is particularly the case for Florida homes with single pane clear glass windows or tempered glass sliders.

The relentless heat, Uv and glare bake your rooms to temperatures hotter than the Mohave Desert. Electric bills skyrocket above several hundred dollars a month. Furnishing fade from the heat, light and Ultra Violet rays.

Advanced Film Solutions window film expert installers take the heat away immediately. Our coatings are applied to your windows. once installed these films stop the heat at the glass.

Optical clarity is maintained and these durable coatings are warranted against bubbling, peeling or distortion for a lifetime.

Advanced Film Solutions takes the guess work away because all of our selections have been documented and tested for NFRC ratings.

Thicker versions can improve your home security against impact and burglary.



Offering the most choices is what differentiates our team from the competition. Huper Optik ceramic films as well as the incredible Vista Film.

We are also pleased to offer economy films like SunTek, Johnson, Madico and Solar Gard.

Call today and start living greener tomorrow!

Call toll free: 877-575-3456

ADVANCED FILM SOLUTIONSTECO-window-film-energy-savings-rebates

Fight Fade Horror Advanced Film Solutions, Tampa, Orlando Window Film

Glare can make watching your TV a horror.
Try checking your e-mail on your laptop during the afternoon. 
It only gets worse when you open that monthly electric bill.

Summer AC bills through the roof.

Winter heating bills that scare the bejesus out of you!

Get A Free Quote Click here

You don’t stand a ghost of a chance!

There is a solution: Window Film

In the summer our solar film keeps 85% of the heat from streaming through your windows.


Toll Free: 877-575-3456



Florida Security Blast Protection Glazing Window Film

You can be assured that somewhere in a government office, someone is asking whether all of the 1600 Army Recruiting offices have blast window film installed? 

You can also rest assured that there won’t be a second thought concerning the dozens of stores right alongside these locations.

So the immediate question to be asked is simple, yet a profound one:

If the government is only interested in protecting their recruiting office, who is interested in protecting the lives and property of the stores that line the same strip mall??


Unsuspecting retailers who just happen to be located near a high profile government target deserve the same level of protection as the target itself!

Simply put.

If you operate a store in close proximity to an Army Recruiting office or Federal facility call Advanced Film Solutions, 877-575-3456.

If you own a retail store or offices adjacent to a potential target of terrorism than calling Advanced Film Solutions to protect your location is a smart alternative.



Avery Dennison- Hanita Safery Zone

Protect yourself and your customers.

Advanced Film Solutions


Be Afraid; Fear of Fading Tampa Bay Window Film’s Top Solutions

Your fabrics, wood floors, paintings and leather sofa doesn’t magically fade over time.

Your blinds and photographs, carpets and clothing didn’t decide to age on their own.

It’s prolonged exposure to the Sun; a toxic combination of heat, light and UV.

The longer the exposure, the hotter and brighter the room; the faster your once vibrant colors wash out.

Blue to Blah


Red to Rust

Oh – -You get it!

There’s no reason to be afraid when you have a professional window film installation company like Advanced Film Solutions coat your windows with solar UV protection films.

Today’s innovative thin film coatings are optically transparent.  Basically you won’t even notice they are on your windows.

They filter out nearly 100% of the UV which other than walling up your windows is the best you can ever do against UV.

Light and heat?

Darker is best but this is all a matter of balancing aesthetics versus outcome.

That’s where the experts of Advanced Film Solutions demonstrate our worth.

Non reflective extremely light ceramic and spectrally selective films like Huper Optik are clearly winners.

Mid-range 50% or darker coatings like Vista, LLumar, Sunscape or SunTek are great favorites.

Darker still?


Maximum fade protection with darker VLT’s with choices from Huper Optik, Vista and LLumar

Not to fear- -our estimates are free and our prices are the most competitive in Florida.

Advanced Film Solutions


Solving Fade- Stopping Fear At The Glass