You know that your sales call is heading into troubled waters when the prospective client grabs your tape measure to check the width and length of their sliders; right after I did.
The sliders were 45 inches by 90 inches multiplied by six.
I asked the right questions determining whether they wanted their windows to be dark or lighter?
How about exterior reflectivity?
Interior reflectivity as many of the LLumar, Solar Gard and SunTek types show silver and neutral basic tints that make windows look like a Hall Of Mirrors.
I explained how we are different than most window film installation companies since we won the Angie’s List Super Service Award for the last 8 years; and are BBB Rated A Plus
I mentioned that we are fully insured since most of our competitors are not.

The choice was narrowed down to two light transmissions in a non-reflective film when I began my calculations to determine how many square feet of film would be needed.
That’s when she grabbed the tape and double checked each and every single slider.
I played along acting like maybe her number might be different than mine.
I actually thanked her for doing this confirmation “because no one had ever done this to me before; and it reminded me of how little trust there is nowadays. “