Your electric bill skyrockets as soon as you turn on that air conditioner.
Window Film has come a very long way since sun control films were originally manufactured.
Today’s window film does not turn purple or bubble when installed by a professional company like Advanced Film Solutions.
The old days of highly reflective tin foil looking window tinting is ancient history!
With many choices out there, how should a Tampa, Orlando, or Sarasota consumer make an educated choice?

Here are easy to remember suggestions:
Are their films Insulated Glass safe?
Check with the competitor but our experience is that IG units require specially designed window films that will not create thermal stress on IG units.
The Vista series of films were designed specifically with that requirement in mind.
Our IG safe films come in darker transmissions that meet and exceed these rebate requirements.
Do they offer a non reflective solar control film that can meet your deed restrictions?
Our Vista and Huper Optik Nano-Ceramic films meet that criteria for gated communities, condo associations and all deed restrictions that place limitations on reflective films.
Does the installation company carry General Liability Insurance and have a place of business?
Many window tinters work from their home and do not carry the insurance requirements.
These folks are installing in your home and it is critical that you know the character of these folks.
We simply suggest that you check first.
Advanced Film Solutions is fully insured and we have no issues concerning our reputation or background checks.
Are the window films proposed certified by the NFRC?
Vista Films are certified by the NFRC, the body that issues ratings for window performance.Why take chances?
Call Advanced Film Solutions
