Keeping Florida homes cool is the primary goal at Advanced Film Solutions.
90 degree plus temperatures every day and plus 100% humidity mean your AC is working 24/7
The solar control window film applications to your existing windows stop heat at the glass. 85% of the heat can be filtered out before entering your home.
This takes the load off of your AC making electric costs lower by as much as 35% a month.
Homeowners looking for sun control solutions and who better than Advanced Film Solutions to meet that challenge?
Our crews were busy installing glare and heat control Vista and Huper Optik films throughout the Tampa Bay region.
Our non-reflective Huper Optik ceramic films are perfect for deed restricted communities and our Vista and All Season films provide unique cost savings and the best ROI of any window film in the industry.
We have LLumar for the economy minded and the most complete portfolio of solar and solar security combination films in town.
Why not improve your home safety and security with coatings that not only keep the heat out but deter, deny and delay forced entry?