Author Archives: admin

Fast ROI, Window Tinting For Tampa Bay, Orlando, Sarasota Properties

Commercial property managers have long appreciated the value of aftermarket applications of window film. 


Energy costs continue to increase and a large percentage of operating costs are associated with heating and cooling your facility.

Historically window film has provided an admirable job of factoring out heat gain. This reduced energy consumption, balanced your facility by eliminating hot and cold spots while factoring nearly 100% of the UV from entering the building.

Life cycle costs compared most favorably since the new technology films are durable and warranted for 15 years.

The improved tenant and employee satisfaction and the streamlines appearance of the facility from the exterior view served to enhance property value.

The one weak area was the impact solar control films had on winter heating costs as well as the reduced daylighting that a facility would receive particularly if darker light transmissions were installed on the glass.

Limiting daylighting tends to increase interior lighting requirements and frankly the reduction in solar heat during the winter had a negative impact on energy usage.

Call Advanced Film Solutions to learn more or to receive a free estimate.

Toll Free 877-575-3456

Tampa Buggiest City Compelling Reason For Window Tinting

   Blow your horns!!

Raise The Roof

Tampa has the distinction of being the nations buggiest city (no; I am not kidding!)


There is just another compelling reason for having window film installed on your home’s glass.

You stay inside during the summer because of the intense heat and humidity.


Swarming insects and potential bug bites will only drive more folks inside.


When you get home are your rooms hot?

Are your furnishings fading from the heat, light and UV?


How about that stinging electric bill?

If that doesn’t bug you, what will?

Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate!

Toll free: 877-575-3456

We’ll make your home cool and glare free.

Those electric bills will be 30% lower .

Tampa is buzzing about Advanced Film Solutions!

Decorative Designer Film Tampa Advanced Film Solutions

Retailers across  Tampa Bay and Orlando have discovered the inherent benefits of designer architectural window film.

No other Florida window film installation company offers as many choices as Advanced Film Solutions.

3M Fasara

LLumar Illusions

Madico Decolite

3M ScotchCal


Drab exteriors take away from your curb appeal and branding strategies.

Film applications provide a dynamic appearance that affords a welcome environment, glare free clients and ideal comfort.

Take a look at the following slide show for designer film installations completed by Advanced Film Solutions.

Note the streamlined appearance and in some cases bold color designs.

You can replicate the premium look of sandblasted glass, create unique patterns, add color, or intricate layered designs – all without sacrificing natural light or aesthetics.

It’s the perfect balance between function and style, making it ideal for almost any application

Our design experts can provide software design assistance while our installation team provides flawless application.

Frosts – Ensure privacy and diffuse for a fraction of the cost of etched glass.

Patterns – Match décor and aesthetic with patterns from playful to classic.

Textures – Cover specialty windows and authentically simulate textured glass.

Gradients – Hide unattractive areas tastefully, or add a modern design element.

Specialties – Mask light, add privacy or enliven with a bold pop of color.

Call Advanced Film Solutions; toll free 877-575-3456

Home Protection Security Window Film, Tampa Bay, Orlando

Keeping your home safer is a major concern for Florida home owners.

The weakest link in your home defense are your windows and sliders.

Burglars can break through your glass in seconds. Your burglar alarm system can notify law enforcement but in the time it takes for them to respond the “bad guys” have taken what they want.

Advanced Film Solutions provides 8 ML and thicker security glazing window film.  These are the very same films used by the Federal government to protect landmark government buildings like the Capitol and White House.

Thicker glazing films provide superior puncture and impact protection that slows down intruders.

We reinforce sliders with attachment systems that provide additional strength.


Advanced Film Solutions has offices in the Tampa Bay and Orlando area.

We have more choices in security films that are combined with solar energy heat rejection capabilities as well as dual benefit shatter films that provide privacy.

World leading glazing protection window films manufactured by:

  • Eastman Chemical (LLumar, Vista and Huper Optik)
  • Saint-Gobain Armorcoat
  • Avery-Dennison Safety Zone
  • Madico and Sunscape
  • SunTek

NFRC rated choices with dozens of alternatives that match your specific requirements.

Call for a free estimate by calling toll free 877-575-3456

Advanced Film Solutions

Prestige Home Depot 3M Gimmicks And Window Tinting, Florida

We recently provided an estimate for a homeowner in Odessa, FL.

They have intense glare and heat blasting into several rooms in their home.  They were actively looking for solutions and have considered blinds and draperies.


Direct comparisons win the day for Vista and Huper Optik Ceramic Films


They happened upon a 3M Window Film display at a local Home Depot store and were given a demo showing just how much heat the 3M Prestige Film would block from entering their home.

“97% of the heat the representative proudly exclaimed. No other film like it, it’s simply miraculous!”
They were more than intrigued and scheduled an in-house estimate. A sales rep gave them an estimate at a price that would shock even Charlie Sheen!

man looking aghast j0422225 small

These homeowners declined to proceed and off went the 3M rep.

They went online to do their research and found me.

werThis isn’t an unusual occurrence.

This conversation may prove instructive to anyone who has been impressed with this demo at Home Depot or a Home Show and is considering their prestige solution.

At the onset I should mention that I spent 33 years at 3M.  The Prestige Film was introduced in late 2005 and launched in 2006.

The idea was to position the product as an alternative to several spectrally selective films that had been introduced years earlier.

Their draw-back was the requirement to edge seal these films if the installation was done within proximity of water. (By the way Advanced Film Solutions does not promote solutions that corrode. That’s why we present Huper Optik ceramic films as the winning alternative.)

The film had an average heat rejection in the low 50’s which all things considered was pretty good for a light (70% VLT) film like Prestige.

Interestingly the films ability to factor out infrared heat particularly in a specific and extremely narrow wavelength, could be demonstrated using a very specific BTU meter and IR lamp.



The demo would seem to simulate the solar spectrum (it does not!) and an observer would be able to extrapolate how the film worked in blocking the IR.

IWFA – IR Ratings of Window Film

We all understood that there might be the potential that people might assume that this film could block more than 50% of the heat based on the unusual “loaded” demo.

Consumers should be instructed that this was simply a demo and that the actual performance one might expect would be clearly noted on our specification sheet.

Obviously, a client who supposed that this product would block 97% of the heat would be sadly disappointed once they received their first post installation electric bill.Now usually at this juncture the skeptical will defend what they think they saw.

I can use illustrations like pointing to a David Copperfield magic act to highlight the illusion.


I might spend 15 minutes describing the physics of the trick and exactly why and how it works to trick the uninformed viewer. 

I can show charts and white papers

Coincidentally; I could do my own demo using several films that can beat Prestige at their own trickery.

Not gonna happen!

Yesterday I chose the technical approach

a) Because I can.

and. .

b) Because these folks were well educated people who understand the basics of what I explained above.

The question remains: How many consumers have unsuspectingly swallowed the illusion completely? 


How many folks have been mislead?


We deal in straight talk, fair pricing and provide the best installations with the leading window film brands in the world.

Call for a free estimate or an education!
Toll Free 877-575-3456