Your fabrics, wood floors, paintings and leather sofa doesn’t magically fade over time.
Your blinds and photographs, carpets and clothing didn’t decide to age on their own.
It’s prolonged exposure to the Sun; a toxic combination of heat, light and UV.
The longer the exposure, the hotter and brighter the room; the faster your once vibrant colors wash out.
Blue to Blah
Red to Rust
Oh – -You get it!
There’s no reason to be afraid when you have a professional window film installation company like Advanced Film Solutions coat your windows with solar UV protection films.
Today’s innovative thin film coatings are optically transparent. Basically you won’t even notice they are on your windows.
They filter out nearly 100% of the UV which other than walling up your windows is the best you can ever do against UV.
Light and heat?
Darker is best but this is all a matter of balancing aesthetics versus outcome.
That’s where the experts of Advanced Film Solutions demonstrate our worth.
Non reflective extremely light ceramic and spectrally selective films like Huper Optik are clearly winners.
Mid-range 50% or darker coatings like Vista, LLumar, Sunscape or SunTek are great favorites.
Darker still?
Maximum fade protection with darker VLT’s with choices from Huper Optik, Vista and LLumar
Not to fear- -our estimates are free and our prices are the most competitive in Florida.
Solving Fade- Stopping Fear At The Glass