Category Archives: Glare Control Window Film

Tampa Child Safety, Locked Car Heat Awareness Advanced Film Solutions

The death toll continues every year. 

News just today!Never Leave Your Child Alone In A Car!

According to statistics, in about 50 percent of the fatal cases, the person responsible for the child’s death unknowingly left the child in the vehicle and 87 percent of the victims of vehicular heat stroke are age three or younger.

2020 child heat fatalities


Certainly pet lovers also need to be vigilant!

My Dog Is Cool.Com
Paw Rescue

When the temperature is in the low 80’s outside, a parked car quickly becomes unbearably hot inside within minutes, even with the windows left slightly open.

  • In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside your car can reach 102 degrees or more.
  • In just 30 minutes, the temperature inside your car can reach 120 degrees or more.
  • At 110 degrees, your pet may have just minutes to live! It will suffer heatstroke, leading to collapse, brain damage and an agonizing death!

Keep your car cool with FormulaOne Automotive Films
Kids And Cars

Kids Left In Cars: DANGER!

Solar Secure Window Film For Cooler & Safer Tampa, Clearwater, St. Pete Homes

Florida home owners need the most effective window film to make their homes cool and energy smart!


Fortunately the team at Advanced Film Solutions is ready and able to provide maximum heat rejecting films manufactured by Eastman Chemical!

Cooling and heating costs are higher than ever and here in Orlando we simply have no choice but to turn on that AC!

New windows? Are you serious?
The payback is 20 years for that investment.
There is an effective, practical, economic and elegant solution:

Advanced Film Solutions!

  • Our Vista, LLumar and Huper Optik  lower electric costs by 35% a month.

  • Thicker safety and security films protect your home or office from forced entry.
  • How much heat you block and the light levels of the appearance are choices that you will make.  Our incomparable portfolio of films covers the widest range of solar properties and aesthetics.

  • Our films simply can not turn purple since there are absolutely zero dyes in their composition.

  • We offer more non-reflective films than any other Florida company. This meets all deed restrictions and HOA rules.

  • We offer more choices in combination solar security films that do all the energy work plus add the strength of 8ML thick mylar films.

  • Our films are NFRC certified so there are no pie in the sky numbers being thrown at you or hyperbole.

  • All of our films come with a lifetime warranty.

If you are looking to lower summer electric bills and want a free estimate and opportunity to see the various choices that we offer call our toll free number: 877-575-3456

Florida’s Window Film Leader

Tampa Bay, Sarasota, Orlando Clear Window Film Without Heat

In the past window film couldn’t deliver heat rejection without sacrificing light.


Homes designed for open views suddenly had what we at 3M would call Scotch Gloom.

Tenants in a commercial office building found they would use more interior lighting.

Today new technology window films use nanotechnology to block invisible heat (infrared).

For a commercial office tower this “daylighting” allows for cool light without increasing that electric cost.  Further there are many studies that demonstrate the increased productivity of workers and students (in a school setting) when natural daylight is allowed into an office or classroom.

The answer?

Nano-ceramic Window Films like Huper Optik. 

Blocking IR heat provides superior performance and our clients select how much visible light they prefer.

3M developed their multi-layered optical film (MOF) in 2005

  • Ceramic films are non reflective. They meet all deed restrictions.
  • Ceramic Films work better at angles just like all window films do.  
  • Ceramic films will not interfere with EM or RF signals

  • Our NFRC certified ceramic films are optically clear while multi-layered films are hazy and iridescent Ceramic films offers a superior scratch resistant coating.

Advanced Film Solutions is your choice for prestige homes throughout the Florida. 

If you prefer clear views without any distortion or rainbow effect than- – -well- -you’ll know which company to select!

Toll free 877-575-3456

Seeing Is Believing!

Lutz, Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel Car Tinting, LLumar SelectPro, Formula One

Driving on Tampa roads is tough enough without having to combat glare, heat and a constant stream of UV rays.

Privacy, or rather a lack of privacy, is another matter, particularly for female drivers.



Advanced Film Solutions, Formula One Of Tampa is the premier installation company for the best heat and glare control automotive films.

A perfect installation that takes less than two hours .

We are also aware that there is no shortage of car tinting shops, mobile tinters and assorted array of jobbers who claim they offer the best (or more honestly, the cheapest) tint jobs.

That’s fine for a kid in high school who is borrowing money from Mom or Dad to tint his ride, but candidly who really wants a cheap dyed purple tint on one of your biggest investments?


Who wants a hack with a sharp blade cutting film on your car’s soft glass?

Sure we offer the very best luxury car films like Stratos, Pinnacle and Huper Optik, but not everyone can afford the best.

That’s reality.

If you deserve the best than Advanced Film is the shop for you.

We are thrilled to take business away from uninsured hacks and new car dealers who rake you through the coals by charging twice the going rate for a tint job.

So. . .

Call us at 813-949-3456

4400 Land O’ Lakes Blvd
Land O’Lakes FL 



Window Film Comparison Shopping Tampa Bay Advanced Film Solutions


Oh you felt it last summer right up until December. .

When you stepped out to grab the mail or walk into your office.

The Heat.

Not just any heat.

Tampa Bay heat.

Unrelenting unbearable heat.

Your air conditioning is ON but those rooms that always get too hot are back to being their old stuffy, humid and headache inducing glare selves once again.

You promised yourself and your family that you’d do something about those hot rooms and that amazingly high electric bill.


Now is that time and the smart solution is Advanced Film Solutions Window Film.

  • Energy savings of nearly 30% off on your monthly electric bill.

  • Reduced temps in all of those hot rooms since our thin films block 80% of the heat from coming into your home.

  • Glare is knocked down by 80% and the UV that damages your furnishings is effectively eliminated.

Advanced Film Solutions toll free for a no cost estimate.


Check out our ads in your local coupon books for even better savings.