The perfect storm of rising electric costs based on unstable petroleum supplies and the encouragement of the US Government for energy efficiency has reawakened interest in window film as a cost savings solution.
This has been a long time coming because the cost equation was never easily quantified with window film and the life cycle of the product would create issues during viability studies.

Further the net effect of darkening windows quite often produced increased internal lighting costs which led to a lower ROI.
Window film leaders have created leading edge window films that meet today’s Facility Manager’s requirements:

- We no longer install dyed polyester films that would lose their color and create purple windows. Frankly you can still see purple glass on office towers throughout the USA. This is the legacy of the 1970’s when dyed tint films were the only show in town. The Oil Embargo created the need and these films initially produced the anticipated benefits. Unfortunately as the dyes migrated so did the effectiveness of the window tinting. LLumar and VISTA Films are metallic or ceramic and the life cycle of these films can be expected for a 20 year cycle.

- DOE II programs have effectively quantified dramatic cost savings and ROI with the installation of our window film. There are variables, to be sure that have an impact on the rate of return. Certain films like our Reflective 20 Silver films provide huge heat gain reductions at a very cost effective investment. Less internally reflective films have an associated cost premium which would be evident with our VISTA Series dual reflective films. Ceramic and nano-ceramic films will block copious amounts of IR and Solar heat gain without reducing the visible light transmission. These ceramic films should be considered if daylighting benefits are considered. Sunlight is free and these spectrally selective films would balance the AC without incurring higher internal lighting costs.
- There are tangible aesthetic improvements that can be expected with the installation of window film. Uniform building appearance increases the value of the commercial property and in today’s competitive climate tenant comfort and tenant satisfaction are enormously important as vacancy rates increase.

Government facilities and Fortune 500 corporations have recognized the bottom line and top line benefits of reduced energy usage. The Recovery Act and LEEDS credits and city specific commercial window film rebates are driving renewed interest.

Building Managers and Commercial Property Managers can implement their own energy retrofit plan without contracting with a third party energy services company.

Advanced Film Solutions has teamed with the world leading window film solutions.

Brand leaders like LLumar and VISTA. NFRC Certified films ( Huper Optik) Madico and Sunscape .Call Toll Free 877-575-3456

Save Energy. Improve Bottom Line