There may be no better example of the “murkiness” of the window film industry than the ceramic window film landscape.

Let me clarify this for consumers doing their research.
The technology that we describe as ceramic was developed by Southwall Technology.
This innovative company has recently been acquired by Eastman Performance Films, the world leader in window film sales and technology.

Southwall developed this film to provide unique durability with extremely effective total solar heat rejection. The benefits for the consumer in selecting this technology is the film’s ability to factor out significant levels of heat without a metallic reflective appearance.
This is ideal for deed restricted communities that prohibit the use of shiny window film or historic buildings and retail stores where aesthetic appearance and curb appeal are vital considerations.
The unique, patented ceramic solution is marketed under the brand name Huper Optik.
For clarification purposes the patent covers the multi-layered composition of the film.

All competitive generic ceramic films are single layered and fall short of Huper Optik in several critical factors:
- Huper Optik has less interior and exterior reflectivity than the generic films.
- Huper Optik is available in more light transmissions than the generic films.
- Huper Optik factors out more total solar energy than the generic films.
- Huper Optik is available in wider widths than the generic single-layered films.
- Huper Optik is available in more light transmissions including a 20,30,40,50,60 and 70% light transmission. More choices equates to customized solutions.
These generic ceramic films are available from various companies.
Many represent themselves as manufacturers (they may manufacture their own films using different technology but not this ceramic single layer film) or private label distributors marketing this film under their own brand name.

The salient fact is that they all re-box a single layered ceramic film made by one company that uses the older equipment that had been previously contracted by Huper Optik
When Huper Optik elected to upgrade their own processes and move to Germany they produced wider width films. The single layered producer could not infringe on the Huper Optik patent.

From a material value perspective ceramic films sold by Johnson Window Film, Geoshield, 3M Ceramic Film and Madico MAC Series (there are others sold under lesser known private labels) that are the exact same single layered film.
Now you wouldn’t know that if you peruse the marketing literature produced by these re-boxers.
Our 3M competition goes a giant one step further than the rest in promoting “their” ceramic film product which a consumer might find interesting.
They misdirect (in my opinion) consumers by highlighting that they make their own polyester and adhesives.
That’s wonderful.
Unfortunately since they did not make this ceramic film that ability is irrelevant when marketing this particular single layered ceramic film.
Take a gander at these statements:
“the only ceramic film worthy of the 3M name”
Yet they don’t make a stitch of this film!
“Using nanotechnology we’ve created ceramics so fine they are not only invisible to the naked eye they are imperceptible with an ordinary microscope. These ceramics allow us to create a film that is tough, won’t corrode and is so clear your view will remain beautiful”
This may be true in principle but that statement is not applicable to this film, since they did not make it!
“3M not only invented window film, it single-handedly developed many of the major window film innovations over the past four decades.”
Its debatable that 3M invented window film (they did not!) but the implication is clearly suggesting that 3M “innovated” this film. Since they did not, their misleading statement is unfortunate.
Let’s suppose an ordinary consumer (YOU?) were shopping for a ceramic window film. They did their research and received several quotations.
Would any of these points clarified above make a material difference in weighing a decision?
You decide!
Advanced Film Solutions proudly installs patented Huper Optik Ceramic Films manufactured by Eastman Performance Films. NFRC certified!
Fact Over Illusion

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