Tag Archives: Ceramic window film

Advanced Film Solutions, LLumar Tampa Bay’s Car Tinting Leader

The unquestionable leader for superior automotive films!

Advanced Film Solutions

We have completed more than 20,000 cars at our location in Land O’Lakes, FL

Advanced Film Solutions has the very best automotive car films in the industry, the incredible FormulaOne Series. 

This includes our dynamic Pinnacle and Stratos Ceramic Series!

Why choose Advanced Film Solutions over these random  tinters?


  1. It’s lifetime-In writing.
  2. Warranty is NO FAULT and transferable.
  3. We pre-cut an exact pattern that matches your car’s windows using Precision Cut Plotters.
  4. We have more choices than any other window film dealer.
  5. We accept all major credit cards.

Call Advanced Film Solutions

Toll Free 813-949-3456

Practical Sun, Glare, Heat & Fade Window Tinting, Advanced Film Solutions

Dizzy Dean once said: “If you did it, it ain’t bragging”

We are experiencing unprecedented demand for solar safety energy reducing window film throughout the state of Florida.

Take a look at the appearance of ceramic film from an interior and an exterior view.

These films are less reflective than glass and the ambiance is unchanged.

The color is stable and won’t scratch off like our prestige friends. 

If you’re looking for a film to match your prestige home; you’d sure expect the film to stand up to a scratch.
That’s why we encourage our clients to consider Huper Optik Ceramic Films.

You can obtain tremendous energy savings but why would anyone in their right mind sacrifice the beauty of their home with many of the cheap films you might find at a flea market or some moonlighting car tinter who does homes “On the side.”

No one would buy a “brand name” without comparing costs or “their” films’ performance on glass!

  • Don’t let the power companies rip you off with outrageous electric rate hikes.
  • Reduce your bill and get rebates that help pay for the installation.

  • Consider a dual benefit film that keeps the glare and heat out while also protecting your home against smash and grab crime.

Advanced Film Solutions has taken Florida by storm.

Call Toll Free: 877-575-3456


Stop Heat, Preserve Tampa Bay Views Advanced Film Solutions

You chose your home because of the sensational views!


Whether that’s a gulf view or a nature preserve it’s critically important that solving your heat, glare and UV problems doesn’t mean blocking that view!

Advanced Film Solutions has the answer.


 IR, UV heat blocking Huper Optik or Vista Solar Films.

These coatings are less reflective than glass so your day and night views are maintained.

The amount of light transmitted is entirely based on the selection you make.

There are virtually clear films that won’t alter your view or the hue of the light.

On the other hand, these films are available in darker selections that remove more glare and heat.
It’s your choice!

No other installation company has the experience and the depth of product solutions compared to Advanced Film Solutions.
Call for a free estimate toll free at 877-575-3456
You earned that view!

Keep it cooler with Advanced Film Solutions!



Window Tinting Comfort. Cooler Rooms, Lower Electric Costs

Now that afternoon temps are hotter than 90 degrees and possibly thanks to our Advanced Film Solutions marketing coupons, our team has never been busier installing solar and solar security window films.

  • Imagine lowering that afternoon temperature in those west facing rooms by 10 degrees?

Advanced Film Solutions is practical, affordable and simply the best possible energy savings retrofit you can undertake for your home energy program.


Call our office at 813-949-3456 or throughout Tampa Bay and Orlando at 877-575-3456

Advanced Film Solutions is your window film installation experts!

Clear Heat Blocking Window Tinting For Tampa Bay, Orlando, Sarasota Homes

There are thin films available in lighter shades that do an admirable job of factoring out heat without altering the view or appearance of your windows.

This bridge at the Orlando Science Center has our Huper Optik film installed to keep things cool and UV free.

The non reflective nature of the coating maintains the aesthetic appeal so important to many clients.



These films block out infrared heat and 20-30% of the visible light spectrum.

Advanced Film Solutions has completed thousands of installations in gated communities and condo’s throughout the Tampa Bay and Orlando area.

Our client needed the heat and UV protection but it was critical that the appearance of the glass remain status quo.

Call Advanced Film Solutions toll free 877-575-3456

  • Huper Optik Ceramic Films

  • Vista Nano-Ceramic Films
