Summer electric bills aren’t much fun.
Many of our clients have experienced bills that most people wouldn’t believe. $500, $600, even $700 a month!
Consumers are often surprised by the practical benefits and bottom line cost savings that window film provides.
Advanced Film Solutions has performed more than 29,000 installations throughout the region since 2007.

These are satisfied consumers who are realizing the enormous benefits of these installations- -so why the low profile?
The perception formed during the early days of window tinting when dyed films turned colors.
Today’s thin film technology leaders Eastman Performance Films has developed films that are designed for effectiveness, optical clarity and durability.
- UV reduction of 99.9%- This slows fading and preserves furnishings.
- Glare rejection of nearly 95% on various films with choices ranging lighter up to a virtually clear invisible appearance on the glass.
- Dramatic energy savings based on the films ability to keep heat from entering your home. Consumers can anticipate monthly energy cost reduction by nearly 30%.
- Home safety improvement with thicker versions of our films that maintain the structural integrity of your windows and sliders.
- Lifetime warranty that protects your investment for a lifetime of enjoyment.
- NFRC rated films that take the guess-work out of the performance expectations.
Free Estimates and price comparisons.