Tag Archives: LLumar Car Tinting

Tampa Child Safety, Locked Car Heat Awareness Advanced Film Solutions

The death toll continues every year. 

News just today!Never Leave Your Child Alone In A Car!

According to statistics, in about 50 percent of the fatal cases, the person responsible for the child’s death unknowingly left the child in the vehicle and 87 percent of the victims of vehicular heat stroke are age three or younger.

2020 child heat fatalities


Certainly pet lovers also need to be vigilant!

My Dog Is Cool.Com
Paw Rescue

When the temperature is in the low 80’s outside, a parked car quickly becomes unbearably hot inside within minutes, even with the windows left slightly open.

  • In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside your car can reach 102 degrees or more.
  • In just 30 minutes, the temperature inside your car can reach 120 degrees or more.
  • At 110 degrees, your pet may have just minutes to live! It will suffer heatstroke, leading to collapse, brain damage and an agonizing death!

Keep your car cool with FormulaOne Automotive Films
Kids And Cars

Kids Left In Cars: DANGER!

Lutz, Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel Car Tinting, LLumar SelectPro, Formula One

Driving on Tampa roads is tough enough without having to combat glare, heat and a constant stream of UV rays.

Privacy, or rather a lack of privacy, is another matter, particularly for female drivers.



Advanced Film Solutions, Formula One Of Tampa is the premier installation company for the best heat and glare control automotive films.

A perfect installation that takes less than two hours .

We are also aware that there is no shortage of car tinting shops, mobile tinters and assorted array of jobbers who claim they offer the best (or more honestly, the cheapest) tint jobs.

That’s fine for a kid in high school who is borrowing money from Mom or Dad to tint his ride, but candidly who really wants a cheap dyed purple tint on one of your biggest investments?


Who wants a hack with a sharp blade cutting film on your car’s soft glass?

Sure we offer the very best luxury car films like Stratos, Pinnacle and Huper Optik, but not everyone can afford the best.

That’s reality.

If you deserve the best than Advanced Film is the shop for you.

We are thrilled to take business away from uninsured hacks and new car dealers who rake you through the coals by charging twice the going rate for a tint job.

So. . .

Call us at 813-949-3456

4400 Land O’ Lakes Blvd
Land O’Lakes FL 



Lutz, Land O’ Lakes, Look For The Best Car Tinting LLumar, FormulaOne

If you drive in Tampa you know that window tinting isn’t an optional accessory you get just to make your ride look better.

Here it’s a necessity.
Hot- Humid-Glare-UV and that’s a nice cooler day!
There are literally hundreds of car tinting places in the area.

Guys who tint in shacks and sleep in their trucks.

Guys who tint behind a car wash.


Car stereo guys

Craig’s list tinters.

And then there Is FormulaOne Lutz-Land O Lakes the best car film in the world.

Our LLumar SelectPro FormulaOne films out-perform the no name tints these boys are offering.

Advanced Film Solutions is Better Business Bureau Accredited with an A Plus rating

  • The best heat rejection of any car tinting.
  • Transferable warranty (Unique!)
  • No Fault warranty (Unique!)

  • Ceramic Pinnacle & Stratos Films (Unique!) Will Not Interfere with GPS AM radio, Etc.

  • Precision Cut Plotters
  • Paint Protection Films (LLumar- Clearshield- 3M)

Why would trust your ride to a shop that you wouldn’t want to be caught dead in??


For maximum performance, incomparable clarity and simply the world’s best car tinting. . .

Visit Advanced Film Solutions

4400 Land O’ Lakes Blvd

Land O’Lakes, FL

Tampa FormulaOne


LLumar Select Car Tinting, Lutz, Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel, Odessa


Advanced Film Solutions is Tampa’s LLumar SelectPro FormulaOne Car Tinting Experts providing the best heat rejecting automotive films in the region.

It’s cliché to say that we have the Good-Better-Best portfolio of car tinting films, but it is an accurate way to describe our solutions.


FormulaOne Car Tinting includes our Pinnacle and Stratos Ceramic Film that blocks heat like an all metal film without the interference you’d experience with metallic films.

Pinnacle has less reflectivity than glass so day or night driving is unobstructed with glare from the sun or headlights.

Comfort Series: This metallic film provides a clean glass appearance and incredible heat rejection.

Classic: This is our stable dyed film that provides excellent heat rejection and matches factory tint on SUV’s


LLumar is our economically priced film and while there seems to be a LLumar tint shop on every corner Advanced Film Solutions does offer a one hour or less waiting time and precision cut patterns. 

The perfect installation without cutting on your car’s soft glass.

These films are the buzz of the window film world.

Incredible heat rejection and optical clarity. If you are driving a luxury vehicle you should consider these unbelievable films!

AirBlue 80: This is a virtually clear film that rejects IR heat and UV. Perfect for an invisible heat shield!

FormulaOne Paint Protection Film:

Keep your car looking great throughout Love Bug Season.

Call today for an appointment:


Advanced Film Solutions:



Tampa Bay President’s Day Great American Window Film

Advanced Film Solutions is Tampa Bay’s largest and most respected window film installation company because we meet our customer’s requirements.

We tailor affordable and effective solutions designed for our unique, hot as heck,  Florida requirements. 


Many of our competitors (present and past!) focused on one brand only.


This losing strategy limited their ability to meet their clients requirements which are broader and not so easily restricted.

Advanced Film Solutions understands that custom requirements require a custom solution.

The heat in Florida is oppressive and Floridians have their AC (heat pumps) on 24/7 from April until October.

Our monthly utility bills are outrageous!
Our VISTA and Huper Optik Window Films reduce your monthly bill by 30%.

Our window films cut 99.9% of UVA and UVB and up to 90% of the glare.

Your home becomes cooler and your AC costs are dramatically reduced.   Your furnishings, drapes, carpets and wood floors are preserved.

Advanced Film Solutions offers a practical alternative that is effective 365 days a year!

Free estimates and a superior installation.

Advanced Film Solutions

Florida’s Window Film Choice
